Detecting Intel Processors

Knowing the generation of a system CPU

by Robert R. Collins

The debate about the correct way to detect different generations of Intel microprocessors has raged for years. In one corner are programmers who traditionally used a series of PUSHF/POPF instructions to detect the FLAGs differences between processors. In the other corner, it always seemed I stood alone, arguing that this technique is flawed. The debate subsided somewhat in 1989, when Intel published an algorithm that relied upon PUSHF/POPF for microprocessor identification, But even while the naysayers said, "See, even Intel does it our way," I stood in my little corner saying "Sure, but it's wrong."

The truth is, neither algorithm is fail-safe. Intel's PUSHF/POPF method can misdiagnose which processor family is running and does not guarantee to operate outside of real mode. My technique should always run in v86 mode, but sometimes doesn't because of shortcomings in the design of many v86-memory managers - like EMM386 from Microsoft.

Intel's Algorithm

All current-generation Intel x86 processors have an instruction called CPUID that reads CPU identification information. This information can be used by software to dynamically take advantage of processor-specific programming techniques. Before CPUID, you needed to write an algorithm to detect differences between different generations of processors. This algorithm would serve much of the same purpose as executing the CPUID instruction. Intel didn't invent the algorithm; the company borrowed one that was in wide distribution on the Internet, and published it in the i486 Microprocessor Programmer's Reference Manual (Intel Corp. 1990), claiming "Copyright Intel Corporation." Oddly, the original algorithm was published in two halves, in opposite ends of the manual. Section 22. 10 contained the algorithm to detect the differences between 8086 through 80386. Figure 3-23 contained the algorithm to detect the difference between the 80386 and 80486. The latest edition of this manual removes the code fragments, referring you to "AP-485, Intel Processor Identification With the CPUID Instruction," Order Number 241618 ( specs/ap48504f.pdf).

It's ironic that Intel claims that "any other approach may produce unpredictable results," since its algorithm is prone to failures that yield unpredictable results (as I'll demonstrate in this article). For more information on CPUID, see the text box "Pentium Detection," by Robert Moote (which accompanied the article "Processor-Detection Schemes," by Richard C. Leinecker, DDJ, June 1993).

The Intel algorithm relies on a series of PUSHF/POPF instructions to set and clear various FLAGs bits. Each generation of processor has a slightly different behavior which may be detected by this approach. This algorithm makes no attempt to detect the 80186/88 series of processors. In this regard, the algorithm is incomplete.

The 8086/88 is distinguished from the 80286 by attempting to clear bits 12 - 15 of the FLAGs register, The 8086/88 will always set these bits, regardless of what values are popped into them (see Listing One). The 286 treats these bits differently. In real mode, these bits are always cleared by the 286; in protected mode, they are used for IOPL (I/O Privilege Level) and NT (Nested Task). To continue the detection code, you need to set bits 12 - 15 in the FLAGs register, and see if they are cleared by the processor. If they are, then a 286 has been detected (see Listing Two).

If you gethis point in the algorithm, you know you have at least a 386. Therefore, it is safe to use 32-bit instructions, like PUSHFD. This will be necessary in detecting the difference between a 386 and 486. These processors are distinguished from each othmpting to set the AC flag in the EFLAGs register. This flag was introduced in the 486, The 386 never sets this bit, and always clhen it is set by POPFD. Therefore, to detect the difference between these processor generations, the algorithm attempts to set thiee if it is latched or cleared by the processor (see Listing Three).

At this point in the algorithm, you're almost home. To detect the difference between the 486 and the Pentium, you attempt to set another new EFLAG bit (bit-21) called the "ID flag." This flag has only one purpose - to indicate the presence of the CPUID instruction. This bit was first introduced on the Pentium, but later retrofitted into the 486. If the CPUID instruction exists on either processor, it may be executed to return the processor-identification information. 486s without the CPUID instruction will not be able to toggle this bit. Therefore, it is safe to execute a sequence of instructions on either processor that detects the processor's ability to toggle this bit (see Listing Four).

Once the algorithm gets to this point, you can execute the CPUID instruction to obtain the processor identification. This instruction can be run in any processor mode, at any privilege level. On the Pentium and 486, the CPUID instruction has two levels:

The complete Intel algorithm is available in AP-485, or via anonymous FTP at

The Caveats

In spite of Intel's claim, this algorithm is far from perfect. For one thing, it fails to detect the 80186/88 series of processors. Even though this processor wasn't adopted by many PC manufacturers, it was used, in some computers, primarily notebook computers. The 80186/88 processor contains most of the new instructions and CPU-generated exceptions contained in the 80286. These instructions include PUSHA/POPA, PUSH immed, SHL reg, immed, and the invalid opcode exception. The only 80286 instructions and exceptions not implemented in the 80186/88 are those specifically used for protected mode. Failure to detect this processor could prohibit the use of some software that can take advantage of these new instructions and exceptions.

This algorithm is only designed to run in real mode, not in a virtual-8086 DOS box running under Windows. This limitation is even mentioned in the 486 manual. This results from the fact that PUSHF and POPF are privileged instructions that are sensitive to the I/O Privilege Level while running in protected mode. (DOS boxes, running under Windows, run in virtual-8086 mode - a special form of protected mode.) If IOPL is not equal to three, then a general-protection fault occurs while attempting to execute these instructions. The operating system then intervenes to emulate the instruction as it sees fit. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the operating system will mimic the real-mode behavior of the specific processor under test. In reality, this may not be as big a problem as it sounds. Windows sets IOPL equal to three for DOS boxes. This renders these instructions transparent to the operating system, and they execute without generating a fault.

Not all operating systems with a DOS-compatibility box follow the example set by Windows. OS/2 Warp uses a special form of virtual-8086 mode, called Virtual Mode Extensions (VME). Running in VME affords the protection advantages of running at IOPL=2 without incurring the faults generated by PUSHF/POPF used in this algorithm. (See for a discussion on VME.) To accommodate this behavior, Intel modified the algorithms of PUSHF/POPF to allow them to run in VME without faulting to the host operating system. When IOPL<3, PUSHF always pushes an IOPL value of three onto the stack. This doesn't cause any problems for the Intel algorithm, as none of the detection code depends upon setting or clearing these two bits alone.

Should the CPUID instruction ever return a signed number (for example, 80000001h), the Intel algorithm will fail. In Listing Five, the instruction above the designated "<--" symbol is a conditional jump based on a signed comparison. This is a common programming error which can easily be fixed in the Intel algorithm.

This algorithm relies on undocumented processor behavior to detect the differences between early generations of Intel processors. The use of such programming tricks violates Intel's own recommendations. Consider the following guidelines set forth in various Intel manuals:

These guidelines were quoted from a combination of two sources: Pentium Pro Family Developer's Manual, Volume 3: Operating System Writer's Manual (1996), section 1.3.2 and AP-485 Application Note: Intel Processor Identification With the CPUID Instruction. Very similar guidelines also appear in the 80386 High Performance Microprocessor with Integrated Memory Management Unit (1985), section 2.3. 10; i486 Microprocessor (1989), section 2.1.6; and Pentium Processor Family Deoeloper's Manual, Volume 3 (1995), section 1.3.2.

These are strong guidelines set forth in Intel's documentation, and the irony of Intel's algorithm is that it violates each and every one of them. Detecting the difference between 8086/88 and 80286/88, and between 80286/88 and 80386, completely depends upon setting and clearing reserved bits in the FLAGs register, and then depends on the state of those bits when they are stored to a resultant register. Detecting the difference between 386 and 486, and between 486 and Pentium, depends upon setting an EFLAGs bit that is undefined on the previous-generation processor, then depends on that processor to clear the undefined bit. To abide by Intel's guidelines, the behavior of these undocumented FLAGs bits must be documented in their respective manuals - but they aren't. None of these differences are documented in any of the processors' respective data sheets. Processor behavior often isn't documented until many years after release. The 8086 FLAGs behavior was first described in the 386 programmer's reference manual in 1988 (nearly ten years after the 8086's introduction). The 80286 FLAGs behavior wasn't described until the Pentium manuals were introduced in 1993 (ten years after the 80286 introduction, and four years after Intel introduced this algorithm in the 486 manuals).

Even though Intel's algorithm violates all of its own guidelines, the company is partially exonerated by the Pentium programmer's reference manual, where Intel says that it's acceptable to use this algorithm to detect the differences in these processors. However, the Pentium manual doesn't change the prohibitions set forth in the 386 or 486 manuals; those prohibitions still exist. The following excerpt was taking from the Pentium Programmer's Reference Manual, chapter 5:

The setting of the flags stored by the PUSHF instruction, by interrupts, and by exceptions is different on the 32-bit processors than that stored by the 8086, and Intel 286 processors in bits 12 and 13 (IOPL), 14 (NT), and 15 (reserved). These differences can be used to distinguish what type of processor is present in a system while an application is running.

My biggest objection to this algorithm is that it's prone to failure on all processors newer than a 386. When it fails, the algorithm incorrectly determines that a 386 processor is installed in the system. The failure is caused when an interrupt occurs precisely where the "" appears in Listing Three. When this occurs, the AC flag is cleared (in real mode), and the algorithm fails to detect the correct processor type. The AC flag has always behaved in this manner, but the behavior wasn't documented until the 1994 edition of the Pentium Programmer's Reference Manual (chapter 25, description of INT instruction). There are a few ways to demonstrate this failure (assuming you're running on a 486 or later processor). You can put an HLT instruction or an INT instruction at the point designated by the "<--", or run the algorithm in a loop. Eventually, a timer-tick interrupt will occur at this point. Inserting an HLT instruction will force the processor to wait for an interrupt before continuation. When the interrupt occurs, the AC flag will be cleared during its invocation. Listing Six presents source code to demonstrate this behavior.


The Intel algorithm isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. It has a few bugs that can easily be fixed. Intel's intentions were noble, but their implementation was flawed. In spite of its drawbacks, the reasons this algorithm is in such widespread use are simple:

The biggest drawbacks are that it's not guaranteed to work outside of real mode, and it depends upon undocumented processor behavior. It would be nice if an algorithm existed to get the actual stepping information of processors that didn't support the CPUID instruction, and didn't rely on undocumented processor behavior. In my next column, I'll present such an algorithm, discuss its strengths and weaknesses, along with a comparison of the two algorithms under real operating conditions.

Listing One

        pushf                   ; push original FLAGS
        pop     ax              ; get original FLAGS
        mov     cx, ax          ; save original FLAGS
        and     ax, 0fffh       ; clear bits 12-15 in FLAGS
        push    ax              ; save new FLAGS value on stack
        popf                    ; replace current FLAGS value
        pushf                   ; get new FLAGS
        pop     ax              ; store new FLAGS in AX
        and     ax, 0f000h      ; if bits 12-15 are set, then
        cmp     ax, 0f000h      ;   processor is an 8086/8088
        mov     _cpu_type, 0    ; turn on 8086/8088 flag
        je      end_cpu_type    ; jump if processor is 8086/8088

Listing Two

        or      cx, 0f000h      ; try to set bits 12-15
        push    cx              ; save new FLAGS value on stack
        popf                    ; replace current FLAGS value
        pushf                   ; get new FLAGS
        pop     ax              ; store new FLAGS in AX
        and     ax, 0f000h      ; if bits 12-15 are clear
        mov     _cpu_type, 2    ; processor=80286, turn on 80286 flag
        jz      end_cpu_type    ; if no bits set, processor is 80286

Listing Three

        pushfd                  ; push original EFLAGS
        pop     eax             ; get original EFLAGS
        mov     ecx, eax        ; save original EFLAGS
        xor     eax, 40000h     ; flip AC bit in EFLAGS
        push    eax             ; save new EFLAGS value on stack
        popfd                   ; replace current EFLAGS value
; <--
        pushfd                  ; get new EFLAGS
        pop     eax             ; store new EFLAGS in EAX
        xor     eax, ecx        ; can't toggle AC bit, processor=80386
        mov     _cpu_type, 3    ; turn on 80386 processor flag
        jz      end_cpu_type    ; jump if 80386 processor
        push    ecx
        popfd                   ; restore AC bit in EFLAGS first

Listing Four

        mov     _cpu_type, 4    ; turn on 80486 processor flag
        mov     eax, ecx        ; get original EFLAGS
        xor     eax, 200000h    ; flip ID bit in EFLAGS
        push    eax             ; save new EFLAGS value on stack
        popfd                   ; replace current EFLAGS value
        pushfd                  ; get new EFLAGS
        pop     eax             ; store new EFLAGS in EAX
        xor     eax, ecx        ; can't toggle ID bit,
        je      end_cpu_type    ; processor=80486

Listing Five

        mov     _cpuid_flag, 1  ; flag indicating use of CPUID inst.
        push    ebx             ; save registers
        push    esi
        push    edi
        mov     eax, 0          ; set up for CPUID instruction
        CPU_ID                  ; get and save vendor ID

        mov     dword ptr _vendor_id, ebx
        mov     dword ptr _vendor_id[+4], edx
        mov     dword ptr _vendor_id[+8], ecx

        mov     si, ds
        mov     es, si

        mov     si, offset _vendor_id
        mov     di, offset intel_id
        mov     cx, 12          ; should be length intel_id
        cld                     ; set direction flag
        repe    cmpsb           ; compare vendor ID to "GenuineIntel"
        jne     end_cpuid_type  ; if not equal, not an Intel processor

        mov     _intel_CPU, 1   ; indicate an Intel processor
        cmp     eax, 1          ; make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID
        jl      end_cpuid_type  ; if not, jump to end
; <--
        mov     eax, 1
        CPU_ID                  ; get family/model/stepping/features
        mov     _cpu_signature, eax
        mov     _features_ebx, ebx
        mov     _features_edx, edx
        mov     _features_ecx, ecx

        shr     eax, 8          ; isolate family
        and     eax, 0fh
        mov     _cpu_type, al   ; set _cpu_type with family

Listing Six

        TITLE   intel
        .model  small
        .stack  100h

; Include file section
        includelib      \masm\lib\miscutil.lib
        includelib      \masm\lib\videofns.lib

; External declarations
        extrn   _get_fpu_type: proc
        extrn   _get_cpu_type: proc
        extrn   Set_cursor:     proc
        extrn   Get_cursor:     proc
        extrn   HEX32OUT:       proc
        extrn   CLS:            proc

        extrn   _cpu_type: byte
        extrn   _fpu_type: byte
        extrn   _cpuid_flag: byte
        extrn   _intel_CPU: byte
        extrn   _vendor_id: byte
        extrn   _cpu_signature: dword
        extrn   _features_ecx: dword
        extrn   _features_edx: dword
        extrn   _features_ebx: dword

; Local variables & Equates
        KBD_ReadFn      equ     0       ; function to read keyboard
        KBD_StatusFn    equ     1       ; function to read keyboard

; Misc data variables
        PSeriesMsg      label   byte
                        db      "P6:     "
        P6Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P5:     "
        P5Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P4:     "
        P4Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P3:     "
        P3Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P2:     "
        P2Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P2:     "
        P1Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah
                        db      "P0:     "
        P0Buffer        db      "         ",0dh,0ah,24h

        P6Count         dd      0
        P5Count         dd      0
        P4Count         dd      0
        P3Count         dd      0
        P2Count         dd      0
        P1Count         dd      0
        P0Count         dd      0

        CPUTbl1         dw      offset  P6Count
                        dw      offset  P5Count
                        dw      offset  P4Count
                        dw      offset  P3Count
                        dw      offset  P2Count
                        dw      offset  P1Count
                        dw      offset  P0Count

        CPUTbl2         dw      offset  P6Buffer
                        dw      offset  P5Buffer
                        dw      offset  P4Buffer
                        dw      offset  P3Buffer
                        dw      offset  P2Buffer
                        dw      offset  P1Buffer
                        dw      offset  P0Buffer

        CPUID_Buffer    db      "        $"

start:  mov     ax, @data
        mov     ds, ax          ; set segment register
        mov     es, ax          ; set segment register
        and     sp, not 3       ; align stack to avoid AC fault
        call    CLS             ; clear screen
        call    Get_cursor
        mov     ah,9
        mov     dx,offset PSeriesMsg            ; get message buffer
        int     21h
        mov     P6Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P5Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P4Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P3Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P2Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P1Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string
        mov     P0Buffer[8],'$'         ; make ASCII$ string

        call    _get_cpu_type   ; determine processor type
        call    print
        mov     _cpu_type,0             ; clear it...for later
        mov     ah,KBD_StatusFn         ; get keyboard status
        int     16h                     ; read keyboard status
        jz      @GetCPUID
        mov     ah,KBD_ReadFn           ; read keyboard function
        int     16h                     ; get get key
        mov     ax, 4c00h       ; terminate program
        int     21h

  print proc    near
        xor     bx,bx
        mov     bl,_cpu_type            ; get CPUID
        shl     bx,1                    ; *2
        mov     si,CPUTbl1[bx]          ; get pointer to variable
        add     word ptr [si],1         ; adjust CPUID counter
        adc     word ptr [si][2],0
        mov     dx,608h                 ; get initial row/col pointer
        sub     dh,byte ptr _cpu_type
        call    Set_cursor              ; set cursor position
        mov     si,CPUTbl1[bx]
        mov     di,CPUTbl2[bx]          ; get buffer pointer
        call    HEX32OUT                ; do buffer
        mov     ah,9                    ; print it
        mov     dx,CPUTbl2[bx]          ; get buffer address
        int     21h
print   endp
        end     start

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